Hyderabad News Online: Following in the footsteps of the earlier Telugu films like “Nuvvostanante Nenu Oddantana,” “Srimanthudu,” “Sreekaram,” “Khaidi No. 150,” and “Balagam,” another Tollywood movie is set to spotlight the lives of farmers and rural life. “Kanyakumari,” directed by Srujan, promises to deliver a heartfelt narrative centered on the struggles of farmers.
The recently released teaser, titled “Raithu,” introduces audiences to Tirupati, a young farmer from Pentapadu in the Srikakulam District. Tirupati is frustrated by the challenges he faces in finding a suitable match for marriage due to his occupation as a farmer. Through his character, the teaser addresses the critical role farmers play in society and their undervalued contributions.
It is now up to the audiences to eagerly await and see how “Kanyakumari” will unfold and whether it will deliver a powerful story and message about the importance of farmers or not.
The film features Geeth Saini and Sree Charan Rachakonda in the lead roles, with music composed by Ravi Nidamarthy. Production house Radical Pictures is bankrolling this much-anticipated movie.