Vizag News Online: Delegates from the Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL) and trainee Telugu teachers of this institute paid a recent visit to St. Joseph’s Women’s College in Visakhapatnam. This visit itself is part of the Teacher Training Program, and the team was led by CIIL’s Telugu Professor Shri Miriyala Satyanarayana. This visitors’ program itself gave a clear view of the importance of skill development in Language Teachers. Let’s also take a look at the five major points that we can learn from this visitors’ program regarding the skill enhancement in Language Teachers.
Cultural Programs: For any language teacher, it’s a must to understand the cultural aspect behind that particular language. Hence, it’s a good idea to indulge language teachers in cultural events that can promote the particular language. As part of the CIIL’s visitors’ program, Dr. J. Nirmala, Head of the Telugu Department of St. Joseph’s Women’s college, conducted a few cultural events for the trainee teachers, and it got a good applause.
Tips for teaching language: Teaching is a tough job, and the language teacher’s job is even tougher. They need to understand the essence of the language before teaching it to their students. In the recent program, Dr. J. Nirmala provided valuable tips regarding learning and teaching the Telugu language.
Importance of Language: For any language teacher, it’s a must to know the history and importance of the language to upgrade their teaching skills. In the visitors’ program, Telugu Professor Dr. Kilari Gowri Naidu gave valuable inputs regarding the Telugu language and how the background of the language can help the teachers to know better about it.
Literary Competitions: Poetry and Prose are the two eyes of any language teacher, and literary events will surely develop the communication skills of the language teachers. In the CIIL’s visitors’ program, St. Joseph’s Women’s College took a chance to conduct literary competitions like Poetry Recitation and Book Reading to enhance the creative skills of the teachers. Principal Sr. Shyji distributed prizes to the teachers who performed well in these competitions.

Open Forums: This program also witnessed the Open Forum where the Trainee Teachers and College students discussed various topics related to language development and the role of literature in society, etc. They also discussed topics like how college libraries help the students in gaining grip on the language. On this occasion, Trainee teachers appreciated the library management of St. Joseph’s Women’s College for showcasing the books in multiple languages.
The Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL) is an Indian research and teaching institute based in Mysuru and also part of the Language Bureau of the Ministry of Education. It was founded on 17 July 1969. Whereas, St. Joseph’s College for Women (Autonomous), affiliated to Andhra University, is the first Women’s college in north coastal Andhra Pradesh. It is the first college to initiate the semester system, credit, and grade system at the undergraduate level. Surprisingly, both these institutes mutually collaborated and delivered valuable inputs which can really motivate language teachers as part of the recent visitors’ program.