Hyderabad News Online: In a proud moment for the Telugu Association of Malaysia (TAM), the results for the Telugu Examination 2023 across Levels Madyamika, Praveena, and Visaradha have been officially released by the esteemed Potti Sriramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad.
The announcement was made by the President of TAM, Dr. Vengkata Prathap gaaru, alongside Sri Suresh Naidu gaaru, Vice President (Education), and Sri Appalanaidu Akiah gaaru, TAM Academy Principal, during a special event. Expressing their delight, the TAM officials conveyed their appreciation to all students, parents, and teachers involved in the examination process.
The individual results of students will soon be distributed to all Telugu Class Teachers by the TAM Teaching Faculty, ensuring a smooth dissemination of the outcomes to the deserving candidates. This announcement marks a significant milestone in the academic journey of Telugu language enthusiasts and underscores the commitment of TAM towards promoting Telugu language and culture.
Stay tuned for further updates and congratulations to all the successful candidates!